骑自行车用英语的表示方法:ride on a bicycle;bicycle riding;ride a bike;by bike;ride on a bicycle。
骑(自行车,马,三轮脚踏车):ride a bike;ride a horse;ride a tricycle骑自行车,骑马,骑三轮脚踏车,这三个短语里的ride都是骑的意思。
相关短语有:骑着自行车:be on the bike,bike riding,rides his bicycle。我骑着自行车:I ride a bike。骑着自行车走:ride on a bicycle。
1、那辆车横冲过马路,撞上了一个骑自行车的人。The vehicle careered across the road and hit a cyclist.
2、在伦敦骑自行车,你可得有胆量。You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London.
3、在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.
4、我父亲教会了我骑自行车。My father taught me how to ride a bike.
5、我骑自行车下山到中途刹车失灵了。The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill.
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